
 For Online Applications All members should download the appropriate application package.  Once the application packet is completed, you may scan or mail it to Dave Tanner.  Please note:  Dave's mailing address is noted on page 2 of the application.
For those of you who have already submitted online applications please contact Interim President & Player Agent, Dave Tanner by sending an email to: with the date you submitted your online application.  
For Questions downloading the application may contact Dave Tanner or Deanna Sesso, email:
We look forward to seeing you on the field in March.

Contact: Dave Tanner - Player Agent
Phone: (916) 491-1721
Email: (Click To See Email)
Our Address:
P.O. Box 1178
Elk Grove, CA 95759-1178


Verifying Club E-Mails

Golden Seniors Softball Club uses Constant Contact to communicate via email with its
club members. Emails typically include current news such as when the next General
The membership meeting is, league status, and other club activities and/or relevant
information. The most recent Constant Contact email was sent on March 6, 2024.
Are you not receiving email notices from the Club? Have you fallen off the email list of
Club activities? Do you feel Out of the Loop? Then something is wrong, and the Club
needs to fix it.
The Club may very well have an incorrect email address for you. It is also possible you
have inadvertently unsubscribed your receipt of Email Blasts from the Club President.
If you have checked your inbox and spam folder and did not receive the email blast sent
on March 6, 2024 with the Subject Line: “The latest news for you”, please follow the
step-by-step instructions to get you added back on the email distribution list.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Contact the Club's Player Agent, Dave Tanner, at (916) 216-1941 or by email at (Click To See Email) to confirm the Club has your current and correct email
2. The Club's Player Agent will update your email address and arrange for it to be
added to the Club's email distribution list.
3. If at some point in the past, you unsubscribed from the Club’s Constant Contact
email, The Constant Contact administrator will request you be reinstated to the list.
Constant Contact will email you to confirm your intent to be reinstated. You will need
to confirm your interest in being reinstated to the distribution list.
5. Once you confirm and reply with your interest to Constant Contact, your name and
email address will be reinstated to the distribution list.
